Birth21 Apr 1882, Camden, Camden, New Jersey, USA
Death28 Jun 1954, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Marriage11 Mar 1904, Camden, Camden, NJ, USA
Web Notes notes for Edna S WRIFFORD
A twin of her sister, Elsie.
1885 - Listed in the New Jersey State Census, 3rd Ward of Camden city, Camden County, page 102:
Charles K Wrifford, white male, age 20-60
[his wife] Louisa B Wrifford, white female, age 20-60
[his daughter] Maggie D Wrifford, white female, age 5-20
[his daughter] Elsie R Wrifford, white female, age 5-20
[his daughter] Edna S Wrifford, white female, 5 years and under [sic Edna & Elsie were twins, so they should have been in the same age bracket]
[his brother-in-law] Joseph R Hammell, white male, age 20-60
[his mother-in-law] Mary L Hammell, white female, age over 60
1895 - Courier-Post (Camden), Fri, 8 Mar 1895, p 1:
A Merry Gathering of Friends at His Home Last Night
Edward Ferat gave an evening company to a number of his friends last evening, at his home, 26 Hudson street. Singing by the young ladies was a feature of the evening. Those present were: . . . Maggie Wrifford, Edna and Elsie Wrifford . . . Mary Ferat . . . Charles Ferat . . . Willie Ferat . . .
1896 - Morning Post (Camden), Fri, 28 Feb 1896, p 1:
A very pleasant surprise party was tendered to Master William Cann, of 642 Federal street, last evening. The evening was spent in games, music, etc. Among those present were: . . . Maggie Wrifford, Edna Wrifford, Elsie Wrifford, Mary Freat [sic - should be Ferat] . . .
1896 - Courier-Post (Camden), Sat, 26 Sep 1896, p 1:
The Juvenile Charity Social will give its second annual concert at the Auditorium on Monday evening next. The proceeds will go to benefit the Camden Home for Friendless Children. “Cinderella” will be the attraction and will be well rendered by the following excellent talent: . . . accompanist, Edna Wrifford.
1900 - Courier-Post (Camden), Mon, 30 Apr 1900, p 1:
The Misses Wrifford, of Cooper street, yesterday visited the revenue cutter Anondago as guests of several of the officers.
1900 -She is listed in the US Census taken on 6 June 1900 at the National Archives, film T-623 roll 958, NJ, Camden Co, City of Camden, 2nd Ward, e.d. 38 sheet 8B line 57 as: Edna S Wrifford, daughter, white, female, born Apr 1882, 18, single, born NJ, father born PA, mother born NJ, a stenographer, employed all year, can read, write, and speak English, living at 53 Cooper St, Camden, NJ, a rented home, with her father, Charles K Wrifford, 44, her mother, Lois B Wrifford, 40, her twin sister, Elsie R Wrifford, and her older sister, Margaret D Wrifford.
Camden, NJ City Directories:
Year Page Listing
1902 1096 Wrifford Edna S, stenographer, h 416 S 3d
1903 1076 Wrifford Edna S, stenographer, h 907 Penn
1904/5 1093 Wrifford Edna S, bookkeeper, h 907 Penn
1902 - Courier-Post (Camden), Wed, 23 Apr 1902, p 3:
Popular Young Couple Were Married Last Night
The marriage of Miss Margaret D Wrifford and Frederick Parker Burkart, both of this city, was solemnized at 8 o’clock last night at the bride’s residence, 416 South Third street, by Rev G H Humanson, pastor of Centenary M E Church. Those who witnessed the ceremony were: Mr and Mrs Chas W Wrifford, Chas Wrifford, Mr and Mrs Chas M Ferat, Mr and Mrs Wm B Burkart, Mr and Mrs John Wrifford, Mr and Mrs Frank S Fithian, Margaret D Wrifford, Miss Lillian M Sutton, Mary B Dadmun, the Misses Edna and Elsie Wrifford and Marshall J Laughlin.
1902 - Morning Post (Camden), Thu, 24 Apr 1902, p 3:
A fashionable wedding took place at St John’s church last evening at 7:30 o’clock, the contracting parties being Mr Joseph’s Jennings Frost and Miss Kathryn Marie Page . . . Those who witnessed the ceremony were: . . . Mr and Mrs C Wrifford, Miss Elsie Wrifford, Miss Edna Wrifford . . .
1902 - Morning Post (Camden), Tue, 2 Sep 1902, p 3:
White Hall has had a successful season. Camden people now there and others who have come and gone recently are: . . . Mr and Mrs Charles K Wrifford, . . . F P Burkhart . . . Mrs F P Burkhart, Edna Wrifford, Elsie Wrifford . . .
1903 - Morning Post (Camden), Wed, 21 Jan 1903, p 5:
The Carteret Club gave a “New Year” reception last evening to the lady friends of its members and the handsome club house was thronged with guests. . . . presented two comedies . . . sang . . . luncheon . . . dancing. . . There were four hundred at the reception . . . Among those present were: . . . Miss Edna Wrifford . . .
1903 - Morning Post (Camden), Fri, 27 Mar 1903, p 5:
Pretty Home Wedding on Broadway Last Night
. . . last evening when Miss Sue Clow . . .and Mr Edwin Seymour were married . . . A reception followed the ceremony . . . Among the guests are the reception were: . . . Miss Edna Wrifford . . .
1904 -She married Edward White 3rd. The marriage is recorded at the NJ State Archives, reel 12, 1904 Marr Cert #172, Edward White 3rd of 920 Frankford Ave, Phila, 25, white, salesman, single, born Phila, father Edw White Jr, mother Anna Richardt; married Edna Wrifford of 907 Penn St, Camden, 21, white, single, born Camden, father Charles K Wrifford, mother Lois B Hammell; married at Camden on 11 Mar 1904, witnesses: Margaret W Burkart [her sister] and Elsie R. Wrifford [her sister].
1910 -She is listed in the US Census taken on 15 Apr 1910 at the National Archives, film T624 roll 1397, PA, Phila Co, City of Philadelphia, 23rd Ward, e.d. 474 sheet 2A line 11 as: Edna White, wife, white, female, 27, married for 6 years, born NJ, father born PA, mother born NJ, native language English, no profession, can read, can write, renting her home at 1632 Allergrove St, Phila, living with her husband, Edward White, 31, and her son, Edward White, 5.
1911 -Her father made his last will on 25 Sep, leaving everything to her mother, and after her mother's death, everything left to be divided equally among her and her sisters. She is mentioned in the will as Edna White, wife of Edward White.
1912 - Camden Daily Courier, Thu, 26 Sep 1912, p 1:
Miss Helene C Ferat Becomes the Bride of William Sauerhoff
Couple Are Now Off On Honeymoon
. . . married last evening at the bride’s home at 526 Federal street. . . . Among those present at the wedding were: Mr and Mrs Frank Fithian, Miss M Wrifford, . . . Mr and Mrs C W Ferat, Jr, . . . Mr and Mrs W Wrifford, Mr and Mrs J Wrifford, Mr and Mrs C Wrifford, Mr and Mrs E White, Mr and Mrs T Gapp [sic - should be Yapp], Mr and Mrs F Burkart, . . . Mr and Mrs Elmer Wrifford . . .
1920 -She is listed in the US Census taken on 3 Jun 1910 at the National Archives, film T625 roll 1625, PA, Phila Co, City of Philadelphia, 23rd Ward, e.d. 646 sheet 1B line 52 as: Edna White, wife, renting her home, white, female, 36, married, can read, can write, born NJ, father born PA, mother born PA, able to speak English, no occupation, living at 1614 Wakeling St, Phila, with her husband, Edward White Jr [sic], 40, son, Edward White 3rd [sic], 14, and son, Wrifford White, 9. She is listed again in the US Census taken on 16 Jan at the US National Archives, roll 1023, NJ, Camden Co, e.d. 62, sh 10A, lines 7-11 as: Edna Wrifford, daughter, female white, 24, single, able to read and write, born NJ, father born PA, mother born NJ, able to speak English, a bookkeeper in an office working for wages, living at 447 Haddon Ave, a 2-family house, Camden, ward 9, with her father, Charles, mother, Lois, sister, Margaret, and sister, Elsie. Her father died on 15 Jun. She is listed in the Petition for Probate of his estate as Edna White, daughter, of Philadelphia, PA.
1922 - Morning Post (Camden), Thu, 15 Jun 1922, p 11:
Mrs Lois Wrifford of 406 North Sixth street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Edward White, of Philadelphia.
1924 -Her mother died and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, NJ.
1925 -Her aunt, Margaret D Wrifford, made her will on 8 Oct and left her the following, along with her sisters: . . . to my nieces Margaret W Burkart, Edna White, and Elsie Yapp, children of my brother, Charles K Wrifford and his wife Loie B Wrifford, both deceased, the house and lot on the N side of Birch st between 6th and 7th sts, #629 Birch St, Camden
1930-She is listed in the US Census taken on 16 Apr 1930 at the National Archives, film roll, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County, Philadelphia City, ward 23, e.d. 875, sheet 30A, the 495th dwelling house and 627th family enumerated, lines 4 & 5 as:
Edna White, wife, living in her own home worth $12,000, R, not on a farm, white, female, 47, married, 1st marriage at age 21, did not attend school during the year, can read, can write, born New Jersey, both parents born New Jersey, able to speak English, no occupation, living at 1322 Wakeling St, Phila, with her husband, Edward White.
1931 -Her aunt, Margaret D Wrifford, died on 20 Jun 1931. She is listed on the Petition for Probate of the estate as one of her heirs as:
Edna White, niece, of Frankford, PA.
1935 - Courier-Post (Camden), Mon, 20 Jul 1931, p 2:
Mrs Margaret Wrifford Makes Bequests to Sister, Brother and Nieces
The will of Mrs Margaret D Wrifford, also admitted to probate today, makes various bequests to members of her family. The estate consists of $600 personal property and $8000 real estate. The property at 1128 South Tenth street is bequeathed to Mrs Wirfford’s sister, Mrs. Mary A Ferat; that at 629 Birch street is left to Margaret W Burkhart, Edna White, Elsie Yapp, all nieces, and to Mrs Wirfford’s brother, William H Wrifford. Frank F Wrifford, a nephew, and Margaret D and Emma A Wrifford, nieces, are bequeathed the property at 1130 South Tenth street. Emma A Fithian, a sister, receives the property at 1032 Lawrence street under the terms of the will, while $200 is bequeathed to Mathilda D Wrifford. Mrs Wrifford left all moneys in bank and building and loan stock to her sister, Mary A Ferat and Emma Fithian, and her brother, William H Wrifford.
1937 -Her husband died on 1 May and left his entire estate to her. He also named her executrix of his estate.
She was very active in the Episcopalian Church. She was president of the Altar Society. According to her granddaughter at that time lay women's contributions to the functioning of the church were restricted to teaching Sunday School, choir participation and "housekeeping" tasks. The Altar Guild ladies were in charge of ordering and arranging flowers, changing and maintaining altar linens, etc., getting out and putting away articles used in the communion services, etc.
1945 -Her aunt, Emma Wrifford Fithian, made her will on 15 Oct, leaving Edna her clover leaf pin.
1950 - Courier-Post (Camden), Thu, 4 May 1950, p 44:
STATE OF New Jersey
To Margaret Burkart and Frederick P Burkhart [sic], her husband, Edna White, and Emma A Grassman and Charles T Grassman, her husband, Defendants:
You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Ephraim Tomlinson, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 528 Cooper Street, Camden, New Jersey, an answer to the Complaint filed in a civil action, in which Ephraim Tomlinson, Trustee under Will of Henry Middleton, deceased, for Ann M Middleton, is Plaintiff, and Horace G Elzey and Lola E Elzey his wife, Margaret Burkart and Frederick P Burhart, her husband, Edna White, widow, Elsie Yapp and Thomas Yapp, her husband, Frank F Wrifford and Emma J Wrifford, his wife, Harry M Potter, widower, Virginia Barbara Potter, single, Emma A Grassman and Charles T Grassman, her husband, and C. Armel Nutter, Executor user the Will of Anna McCulley, deceased, are defendants, pending in the Superior Court of New Jersey, within 35 days after May 25, 1950, exclusive of such date. If you fail to do so, the relief demanded in the Complaint will be taken against you by default.
This action has been instituted for the purpose of foreclosing a mortgage dated June 15, 1878, made by Charles Wrifford and Matilda Wrifford, his wife, as mortgagors and payable to Samuel C Cooper as mortgagee and concerns real estate located at 627 Birch Street, Camden, New Jersey. You are made defendants because you may claim to be some of the owners of record of said premises described in said mortgage, and your interest therein is subject to said mortgage.
I Grant Scott, Clerk of Superior Court.
1952 -She made her last will and testament on 12 Feb, summarized below.
1954 -She died on 28 Jun. Her death certificate states: File #53783, Reg. #12234, Edna Wrifford White of 1322 Wakeling St, Phila, PA, died at home on 28 Jun 1954, female, white, widowed, housewife, born 27 Apr in Camden, NJ, age 71, a US citizen, father Charles Wrifford, mother Edna [sic], informant Margaret W. Burkhart [her sister] of 4712 Leiper St, cause of death mild cardiac infarction, arterio-sclerosis and hypertension coronary disease, no autopsy, Ruth E Tinley of 1318 Wakeling St attended her from Jun 1930 to Jun 28, 1954 and last saw her alive on 28 Jun 1954, death occurred at 2 p.m., buried on 1 Jul 1954 at Lawnview Cemetery, Rockledge, PA, funeral director Evelyn M Rose of 1664 Harrison St, Phila.
-Her will and estate papers are contained at the Phila City Wills Archives, 1954 will #2064. The Petition for Probate of her exectutors, her two sons, was filed on 1 Jul 1954. It states in part, her last will & testatment was dated 12 Feb 1952. She lived at 1322 Wakeling St, Phila, she died at home on 28 Jun at 3 pm at age 71. Her personal property was estimated at $20,000 and her real estate, 1322 Wakeling St, estimated at $10,000. Son Edward White 4th lived at 1322 Wakeling St, Phila, and son Wrifford White lived at 104 Harrison St, Phila. Attorney was Joseph R Embery, 4700 Fed Ave, Phila.
-Her will, at will book 716 p123, is summarized as:
1st -pay just debts and funeral expenses
2nd -give personal effects exclusive of cash and securities to her two sons equally
3rd -give her sister Margaret Burkart $1500 if she survives
4th -give her sister Elsie Yapp $1500 if she survives
5th -give her niece Lois Mary Yapp $500, if she predeceases, then to her issue or if she has none to her husband
6th -give her nephew Frederick Parker Burkart, Jr, son of her sister Margaret Burkart, $500 if he survives
7th -give her friend Lillie Sutton Calhoun $500, if she predeceases, then to her husband William Calhoun if he survives
8th -give to Myrtle Benton $500 if she survives
9th -give to each grandchild living at the time of her death, $1500, if they are minors, then the executors to hold until they reach age 21, executors to use the income and as much of the principal as necessary for the support maintenance and education of the minors
10th -all taxes to be paid out of the estate
11th -executors to sell all real estate owned and the proceeds and residue of the estate 1/2 to each son
12th -anything held for the benefit of minors shall not be subject to their anticipation, sale, pledge, debts, contracts, engagements, or liabilities, and not be liable to attachment or sequestration under any legal, equitable or other process
13th -sons E4 and Wrifford as Executors and guardians of the estate of any beneficiaries who may be minors
signed 12 Feb 1952. Witnesses Joseph Embery Jr and Jessie S. LaRue.
-The inventory of her estate shows she owned: bank accounts worth $4,640.57, insurance policies worth $1,255.70 and $18.72, furniture worth $442, house at 1322 Wakeling St worth $10,000, 1954 Ford Sedan worth $1,800, lots of shares, traveler's checks worth $180, for a total initial value of $189,428.99. Later interest came in and increased the amount of her estate. The house at Wakeling St was valued at $12,000 for tax purposes. Expenses of her estate included Rose Funeral Home $967, attorney fees $6,000, inheritance tax $4,503.94.
The list of beneficiaries included:
1 Margaret Burkart, sister, 4712 Leiper St, Phila
2 Elsie Yapp, sister, 302 Beideman Ave, Camden, NJ
3 Lois Mary Yapp, niece, 46 & High St, Pensauken, NJ
4 Frederick Parker Burkart Jr, nephew, PO Box 335, Dover Del
5 Myrtle Benton, no relation, 1322 Wakeling St, Phila
6 Susan Wrifford White, granddaughter, 1322 Wakeling St, Phila
7 Gretchen Elizabeth White, granddaughter, 1322 Wakeling St, Phila
8 Nancy Ann White, granddaughter, Cranford, NJ
9 Edward White 5th, grandson, Mt View, Baldwin, GA
10 Edward White 4th, son, 1322 Wakeling St, Phila
11 Wrifford White, son, 1322 Wakeling St, Phila