NameCharles Keyser WRIFFORD
Birth22 Apr 1856, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Death15 Jun 1920, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Marriage16 Aug 1876, Camden Co, NJ, USA
ChildrenClaud (1876-1881)
Web Notes notes for Charles Keyser WRIFFORD
1860 -He is listed in the US Census of Free Inhabitants taken on 23 Jun at the National Archives, film M653, roll 1212, South Carolina, Abbeville Co, Abbeville C.H. Post Office, written p 52, printed p 26, dwelling # 373, family # 359 as: Chas Wrifford, 4, male, born PA, living with his father, Chas, mother, Martha, [sic], sister, Martha H, [sic], and sister, Mary [sic]. [ALL the female names are wrong!]
1870/1871 - His father is listed in the Camden, NJ City Directories 1871 as living at 330 Kaighn's Point av. The family probably moved to Camden from Philadelphia in 1869 or 70. He is listed in the US Census taken on 11 July 1870, National Archives roll 856 p 468, in NY, Camden City and County, South Ward dwelling #657, family #758, line 6, as: Charles Wrifford, 14, male, white, born PA, attended school during the year, living with his father, Charles, 47, mother, Matilda, 44, brother, John, 8, sister, Margaret, 12, sister, Mary Anne, 16, sister, Emma, 6, and brother, William, 1.
1880 - Listed in the US Census, NJ, city & county of Camden, 3rd ward 2nd precinct, taken on 10 Jun 1880, sup dist #3, ed f 45? p 160, lines 7-11 as:
Wrifford, Charles K, white, male, 24, head of household, married, salesman, born Pennsylvania, parents birthplace not given
living with:
Wrifford, Lois, white female, 24?, wife, married, keeping house, born NJ, father born NJ, mother born PA,
Wrifford, Cladius, white male, 3, son, born NJ, father born NJ, mother born PA
Wrifford, Margaret, white, female, 1, daughter born NJ, father born NJ, mother born PA
Hammell, Mary L, white female, 60, mother-in-law, widowed, born PA, both parents born PA
1885 - Listed in the New Jersey State Census, 3rd Ward of Camden city, Camden County, page 102:
Charles K Wrifford, white male, age 20-60
[his wife] Louisa B Wrifford, white female, age 20-60
[his daughter] Maggie D Wrifford, white female, age 5-20
[his daughter] Elsie R Wrifford, white female, age 5-20
[his daughter] Edna S Wrifford, white female, 5 years and under [sic Edna & Elsie were twins, so they should have been in the same age bracket]
[his brother-in-law] Joseph R Hammell, white male, age 20-60
[his mother-in-law] Mary L Hammell, white female, age over 60
1886 - Morning Post (Camden), Sat, 2 Jan 1886, p 1:
The fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr John H Chew and wife . . . was celebrated on New Year’s Eve by about thirty couples . . .They proceeded to enjoy themselves in good style with music, dancing and singing. A collation was served during the evening. Among the visitors were: Charles Wrifford, wife and family . . .
1890 - His mother died and was buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Camden.
1894 - Morning Post (Camden), Fri, 5 Jan 1894, p 1:
The regular election of officers of Washington Castle, No 3, was held last Friday evening with the following result: Past Chief, Charles K Wrifford . . . The officers will be installed this evening by Deputy Grand Chief Parsons.
1895 - Courier-Post (Camden), Mon, 21 Jan 1895, p 2:
Doings in Realty
Camden, s s Lawrence st, 147 ft e Tenth st - William Wrifford to Charles Wrifford, $12,500. [Not sure if this Charles was his father instead of him]
1895 - Courier-Post (Camden), Mon, 30 Sep 1895, p 1:
An Unprovoked Assault on an unoffending Citizen
An unprovoked and dastardly assault upon an unoffending man, made last Friday night, has just come to public notice. Charles Wrifford, a carpenter, living at 1024 Lawrence street, was the victim. He had been attending a lodge, of which he is a member, as Wildey Hall, Fifth and Pine streets. As had been his usual custom he took a short cut for home across the lots from City Hall to Tenth street. When approaching the Tenth street crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad he passed two men, and as he passed one said to the other: “That’s him; give it to him.” In an instant he received a violent blow in the eye and was felled to the ground. He then received several blows in the face and on the head. His eye was badly discolored and he had several bad gashes on the head. While lying on the ground one of the men said, “We’ve got the wrong man,” and both started to run. Mr Wrifford picked himself up and went home, and after having his injuries attended to went to bed and was not able to get out until this morning. He did not know either of the men.
1897 - Morning Post (Camden), Mon, 20 Sep 1897, p 1:
John Vanhalt and Chas Wrifford, Jr, went on a fishing trip to Woodbury creek yesterday afternoon, and returned home with nice strings of perch.
Camden, NJ City Directories:
Year Page Listing
1883/84 424 Wrifford Charles K, tinsmith, Phila, h 331 Clinton
1885/86 558 Wrifford Charles K, tinsmith, h 331 Clinton
1886/87 609 Wrifford Charles K, tinsmith & confectioner, 400 Berkley, h ditto
1888/89 643 Wrifford Charles K, confectioner, 402 Berkley, h ditto
1889/90 698 Wrifford Charles K, confectioner, 402 Berkley, h ditto
1892/93 777 Wrifford Charles K, confectioner, 402 Berkley, h ditto
1893/94 784 Wrifford Charles K, confectur, 402 Berkley, h ditto
1896 910 Wrifford Charles K (Loie [sic] B), carpenter, h 1024 Lawrence
1898 916 Wrifford Charles K (Lois) carpenter, Phila, h 1024 Lawrence
1899 900 Wrifford Charles K (Loie [sic] B), carpenter, h 928 Cooper
1902 1096 Wrifford Charles K (Loie B), carpenter, h 416 S 3d
1903 1076 Wrifford Charles K (Loie B), carpenter, h 907 Penn
1904/5 1093 "
1905/6 Wrifford Charles K, carpenter, h 907 Penn
1906 934 Wrifford Charles K, carpenter, h 433 Trenton ave
1907/8 885 "
1908/9 989 "
1909/10 1051 Wrifford Charles K (Loie), carpenter, h 433 Trenton ave
1910/11 1168 "
1912 1154 "
1913 1180 Wrifford Charles K (Lore), carpenter, h 433 Trenton ave
1900 - Philadelphia Record, Mon, 12 Feb 1900, p 4:
HAMMELL-On Feb 11, 1900, Joseph R Hammell, aged 48 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funerals on Wednesday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, from the residence of his brother-in-law, Charles K Wrifford, 928 Cooper street, Camden, NJ. Interment private.
1900 - He is listed in the US Census taken on 6 June 1900 at the National Archives, film T-623 roll 958, NJ, Camden Co, City of Camden, 2nd Ward, e.d. 38 sheet 8B line 53 as: Charles K Wrifford, head, white, male, born Apr 1856, 44, married for 24 years, born PA, father born NJ, mother born PA, a carpenter, employed all year, can read, write, and speak English, renting his home, living at 53 Cooper St, Camden, NJ with his wife, Lois B Wrifford, 40, daughter Margaret D Wrifford, 21, and twin daughters, Elsie R and Edna S Wrifford, 18.
1902 - Courier-Post (Camden), Wed, 23 Apr 1902, p 3:
Popular Young Couple Were Married Last Night
The marriage of Miss Margaret D Wrifford and Frederick Parker Burkart, both of this city, was solemnized at 8 o’clock last night at the bride’s residence, 416 South Third street, by Rev G H Humanson, pastor of Centenary M E Church. Those who witnessed the ceremony were: Mr and Mrs Chas W Wrifford, Chas Wrifford, Mr and Mrs Chas M Ferat, Mr and Mrs Wm B Burkart, Mr and Mrs John Wrifford, Mr and Mrs Frank S Fithian, Margaret D Wrifford, Miss Lillian M Sutton, Mary B Dadmun, the Misses Edna and Elsie Wrifford and Marshall J Laughlin.
1902 - Courier-Post (Camden). Tju. 21 Aug 1902, p 6:
The following are recent arrivals at White Hall, Ocean City: Charles K Wrifford . . .
1902 - Morning Post (Camden), Thu, 24 Apr 1902, p 3:
A fashionable wedding took place at St John’s church last evening at 7:30 o’clock, the contracting parties being Mr Joseph’s Jennings Frost and Miss Kathryn Marie Page . . . Those who witnessed the ceremony were: . . . Mr and Mrs C Wrifford, Miss Elsie Wrifford, Miss Edna Wrifford . . .
1902 - Morning Post (Camden), Tue, 2 Sep 1902, p 3:
White Hall has had a successful season. Camden people now there and others who have come and gone recently are: . . . Mr and Mrs Charles K Wrifford, . . . F P Burkhart . . . Mrs F P Burkhart, Edna Wrifford, Elsie Wrifford . . .
1903 - Courier-Post (Camden), Mon, 26 Feb 1903, p 10:
Three Men Created Considerable Excitement in South Camden
Tried To Board Trolley Car
At least a thousand persons jammed and crowded about Fourth and Kaighn avenue, Saturday night when three men were arrested on a charge of creating a disturbance on a Third and Fourth street trolley car. Adolphus J. Natter, 1111 Cresson street; Charles Albert, 213 Jersey avenue, Gloucester City; and Charles Wrifford of 433 Trenton avenue, were the belligerents. The former two were fine $3.30 each and the latter given 10 days by Justice Thompson on a charge made by Elwood Broch, conductor of the car.
According to the latter his car, had just left the Kaighn’s Point ferry and had arrived at Locust street when three men stood in the middle of the street hailing the motorman. The latter stopped the car and then two of the men tried to get the third on the rear platform. The one being assisted appeared to be suffering from an overdose of tanglefoot, and Conductor Broch refused to permit him on the car. The other men insisted and became so abusive that Broch shut the gate on the platform and rang for the motorman to proceed. Even then Wrifford hung on to the rear platform until Fourth street had been reached. There Broch jumped off and ran into Justice Thompson’s office where he told his story.
Constables Gardner and night watchman Howard Sharp were delegated by Justice Thompson to arrest Wrifford, which they did. By this time the front of the office was almost hidden in a crush of humanity. Someone yelled a murder had been committed, and this created such excitement that traffic was simply suspended.
After getting through the mass of humanity the officers located Natter and Albert who were also arrested and fined. It was the intention of fining Wrifford also, but he became so abusive Justice Thompson had him taken to jail.
1903 - Morning Post (Camden), Mon, 17 Aug 1903, p 5:
A largely attended progressive euchre was held at the Hotel Sheldon last Tuesday evening. . . . Mr and Mrs Charles K Wrifford of Camden are staying at the Sheldon.
1906 - Courier-Post (Camden), Fri, 14 Sep 1906, p 6:
Friends Congratulate Mr and Mrs Harry C Sharp on Silver Wedding
. . . Those present at the anniversary celebration were:
. . . Mr and Mrs Frank F Fithian, Leslie Fithian, . . . Mr and Mrs Charles M Ferat, . . . Charles Wrifford, Miss Margaret Wrifford, . . . Mr and Mrs William Wrifford . . .
1907 - Courier-Post (Camden), Thu, 10 Oct 1907, p 2:
C K Wrifford, alteration to store, northwest corner Third and Taylor avenue.
1909 - Morning Post (Camden), Wed, 3 Nov 1909, p 1:
Cases Treated at Cooper Hospital
Charles K Wrifford, aged 56 years, of 433 Trenton avenue; finger cut while carpentering
1910-He is listed in the US Census taken on 15 Apr 1910 at the National Archives, roll 874, NJ, Camden Co, e.d. 63, sh 1A, lines 27-28 as: Charles K. Wrifford, head of household, male, white, 53, married once for 34 years, born PA, both parents born PA, native language English, a carpenter working on his own account, able to read and write, renting his home at 433 Trenton Ave, Camden, a two-family house, living with his wife, Loie.
1911 -His father made his will on 19 Jan and left him 1/6 equal share of his estate. His father died on 19 Mar and was buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Camden. In the petition for probate of the estate, he is referred to as: Charles K Wrifford, son, of Camden, NJ. He made his own last will on 25 Sep, recorded at Camden Co Surrogate Office, will book 22, p309 and summarized as follows:
1st -pay just debts and funeral expenses
2nd -give everything to beloved wife, Lois B Wrifford, for the term of her natural life, with the privilege of absolute disposal of any part.
3rd -give any portion of my estate remaining after death of my wife equally to our 3 daughters, Margaret Burkett, wife of Frederick Burkett, Edna White, wife of Edward White, and Elsie Yapp, wife of Thomas Yapp, but if any of our daughters shall be deceased at the time of the death of my wife leaving issue surviving, then her portion to be divided equally among her said issue, or if she leaves no issue, then her portion to be divided equally among our other daughters.
4th -wife Lois B Wrifford as executrix to serve without bond.
signed 25 Sep 1911, Charles K Wrifford, witnesses: Harold W Kiner and Morris G Bosset.
1912 - Camden Daily Courier, Thu, 26 Sep 1912, p 1:
Miss Helene C Ferat Becomes the Bride of William Sauerhoff
Couple Are Now Off On Honeymoon
. . . married last evening at the bride’s home at 526 Federal street. . . . Among those present at the wedding were: Mr and Mrs Frank Fithian, Miss M Wrifford, . . . Mr and Mrs C W Ferat, Jr, . . . Mr and Mrs W Wrifford, Mr and Mrs J Wrifford, Mr and Mrs C Wrifford, Mr and Mrs E White, Mr and Mrs T Gapp [sic - should be Yapp], Mr and Mrs F Burkart, . . . Mr and Mrs Elmer Wrifford . . .
1915 - Courier-Post (Camden), Fri, 16 Apr 1915, p 14:
Charlie Wrifford of Trenton avenue, is aboard again after a three weeks’ illness, looking particularly fine. Congratulations.
1917 - Philadelphia Inquirer, Fri, 3 Aug 1917, p 9:
There were five deaths and thirteen prostrations in Camden yesterday, resulting from the excessive heat. . . . The prostrations treated at Cooper Hospital were: . . .Charles Wrifford, 443 Trenton avenue . . .
1920 -He is listed in the US Census taken on 16 Jan at the US National Archives, roll 1023, NJ, Camden Co, e.d. 62, sh 10A, lines 7-11 as: Charles Wrifford, head of household, renting his home, male white, 62, married, able to read and write, born PA, both parents born PA, able to speak English, a house carpenter working for wages, living at 447 Haddon Ave, a 2-family house, Camden, ward 9, with his wife, Lois, daughter, Margaret, daughter, Edna, and daughter, Elsie.
He died 15 Jun in Philadelphia. His death certificate states: File #74744, Reg. #15564, Charles K Wrifford died on 15 Jun 1920 at 1614 Wakeling St, Phila, ward 23, male, white, widowed, born 22 Apr 1852 in NJ, age 64 yrs, 1 mon, 23 days, a carpenter, father Charles A Wrifford born NJ, mother Matilda Keyser born NJ, informant Lois B Wrifford [his wife] of 445 Waddin? Ave, Camden, James J Irland, MD of 4531 Fkd Ave attended him from May 10, 1920 to Jun 15, 1920, and last saw him alive Jun 1920, death occurred at 1:35 a.m. from carcinoma of pancreas for 5 months and ??? hephatis? for 7 years, buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, NJ on 18 Jun, Mich.? J OBrien of 613 Mkt? St, undertaker. To reach the tombstone, take the road in the center of the cemetery straight ahead as you enter, the stone is to the left just past the corner of the 3rd cross driveway. It has writing on all four sides. It says:
Side 1: Charles Wrifford 1823 - 1911
His wife Matilda Wrifford 1826 - 1890
Side 2: Charles K Wrifford 1856 - 1920
Wife Lois B Wrifford 1859 - 1924
Side 3: Clara A Wrifford 1878 - 1924
Side 4: Laura H wife of John P Wrifford 1862 - 1890
John P Wrifford 1862 - 1913
Margaret D Wrifford 1857 - 1931
1920 - Morning Post (Camden), Wed, 16 Jun 1920, p 2:
WRIFFORD-On June 15, 1920, Charles K, husband of Louis B Wrifford (nee Hammell), and son of the late Charles A and Matilda Wrifford. The relatives and friends of the family, also Washington Casle, No 3, K of G E; Welcome Circle, NO 3, B of A, are invited to attend the funeral on Friday afternoon, June 18, at 3 o’clock, from the residence of his brother-in=-law, Frank S Fithian, 1452 Wildwood ave, Camden, NJ. Interment private at Evergreen Cemetery. Friends may call Thursday eve.
[in the next column]
Charles K Wrifford, husband of Lois B Wrifford, nee Hammel, and a son of the late Charles A and Matilda Wrifford, died yesterday, aged 63 years, from stomach trouble. For years Mr Wrifford was a well-known carpenter, but of late has been in the employ of R M Hollinshead Company. He was well-known in the secret society world, having ben [sic] a member of Washington Castle, No 3, Knight of the Golden Age, and Welcome Circle, No 3, Brotherhood of America.
Funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence of his brother-in-law, Frank S Fithian, 1452 Wildwood avenue, with interment at Evergreen Cemetery. Remains may be view Thursday evening.
1920 - Courier-Post (Camden), Wed, 16 Jun 1920, p 1:
Charles K Wrifford To Be Buried Friday Afternoon From Brother’s Home
Charles K Wrifford, 443 Trenton avenue, died yesterday in the Frankford Hospital, Philadelphia, from a complication of diseases. He is survived by his widow, Lois B Wrifford. He is the brother of William Wrifford, Trenton avenue and Washington street, and the son of the late Charles A and Matilda Wrifford. Funeral services will take place Friday afternoon, two o’clock, at the home of his brother-in-law, Frank S Fithian, 1452 Wildwood avenue. Interment will be private.
1920 -On 1 Jul, his wife filed a Petition for Probate of his estate; recorded at the Camden Co Surrogate Office, book PP vol 12 p31; summarized as:
Re: Charles K Wrifford, deceased, Petition of Lois B Wrifford of 445 Haddon Ave, Camden, shows that she is the executrix named in the last will and testament of Charles K Wrifford, deceased, dated 25 Sep 1911; that Charles K Wrifford of Camden died at Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday 15 Jun 1920 at 1:15 am leaving as his heirs:
Lois B Wrifford, widow, of Camden
Margaret Burkett, daughter, of Philadelphia, PA
Edna White, daughter, of Philadelphia, PA
Elsie Yapp, daughter, of Camden, NJ;
that testator had personal property estimated at $500 and realty. Filed 1 Jul.
His will was admitted to probate that day.
Notes for Charles Keyser & Lois Bennett (Family)