1787 - He was born on 23 Dec in Amsterdam. This is based on his circumcision record, contained in his marriage supplement, below, and on the fact that boys are usually circumcised eight days after birth. He was circumcised in Amsterdam on 30 Dec 1787 by E. Isaac.
1811 - He chose the name Bronkhorst in Amsterdam, on 12 Dec, naamaannemingsacte Mozes David Bronkhorst #60B.
1813 - His marriage banns were proclaimed on 3 and 10 Jan. He married Annaatje Salomon Marktlooper, later called Gans, on 13 or 17 Jan. His Huwelijksbijlagen, marriage supplement, is recorded on FHL #113,935. Written partly in Dutch, but mostly in French, it is translated as: [p1] 1 January 1813 Hartog Moses Bronkhorst [then looks like two names de Bruce Dannie Adehrigre? and ?] f. 16th [then signed by the four witnesses] Levie Moses Bronkhorst, brother of the bridegroom, age 30, a merchant; [p2] Eliazer Aron Bronkhorst, uncle of the bridegroom, age 55, a merchant; Israel Salomon Markloper, brother of the bride, age 33, a workman; Wolf Jacob Vossen, no relation, age 36, a peddler (hawker) [p3-5] Department of ZuiderZee, First District, City of Amsterdam, Extract of the Register of Circumcisions of E. Isaac In the year 1787 on the 30th of December was presented to me Hartog Moses. Certified by us, Assistant Mayor, Officer of the Civil State at Amsterdam the 24th Nov 1812. Inspection by us, President of the Tribunal of the First Instance at Amsterdam for the legalization of the signature of Mr. Assistant Mayor. At Amsterdam the 24th Nov 1812. [Signatures unreadable].
-[p6] Magistrate of the First Canton District of Amsterdam Dept. of ZuyderZee. In the year 1812 on the 30th of November before us, Dr Charles Asser, the honorable Magistrate of the First Canton District of Amsterdam Dept of ZuyderZee with the help of our Clerk of the Court appeared [p7] Moses David Bronkhorst, no occupation, and his wife, Rebecca Isaacs [on p21 below, his wife's name is given as Sara Levie], dwelling at Verwers Street in this city; they state in our presence that they give their consent to the marriage to be concluded between his son, Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, who was assigned the name previously Hartog Moses Boucher [Hartog Moses the Butcher], dwelling at Verwers Street in this city, with Annaatje Salomon Markloper, [p8] dwelling also at Verwers Street in this city. Authorizing M.M. the civil officials to be willing to cause the said marriage to be upheld, and to proceed to carry out all the acts required by the law. We, the Magistrate, acknowledge the appearance of their declaration and we have reported that we have signed with our clerk the day, month and year above. [Signed] Charles Asser [p9] Magistrate. T. Boas, Junior Clerk of the Court. Registered at Amsterdam the 3rd December 1812 vol 1 folio 134 A? box 8, ??? 1 Franc plus 10 centimes for the ??? and 16 centimes for the ??? and 16 centimes for the additional centimes. Signed James Cohen for dispatch T. Boas, Junior Clerk of the Court.
-[p10] Extract of ? held by the Clerk of the court of the First Instance at Amsterdam. To the Messrs. President and Judges of the Tribunal of First Instance sitting at Amsterdam. [p11] Messrs. President and Judges, We declare very humbly that Annaatje Salomon Merkloper [sic] dwelling in this city is not able to produce [p12] documentation of her birth. She applies to the Magistrate of the First District where she obtained the enclosed certificate of acquaintance. and in view of the fact that this certificate must be approved by the [p13] Court of the first instance according to Article 72 of the Napoleonic code, for these causes she petitions you, Mr. President and Judges asking [p14] your judgment and mercy please to approve this documentation as proof of her birth. [p15] The Tribunal of the First Instance sitting at Amsterdam. Meeting of the first chamber the 16th of December 1812. [p16] Considering the Petition of Annatje Salomon Merkloper [sic] if it please the Court, to approve the certificate of knowledge regarding [p17] her birth received by Mr Magistrate of the First Canton dated 30 Nov [p18] and henceforth recorded. Mr Imperial Attorney agreed, In accordance with Article 72 of the Napoleonic Code. The Tribunal approved the above stated certificate of knowledge [p19] Signed by F. D. Meyer and P Fiederman Dispatch. Recorded at Amsterdam the 28 December 1812 Vol 5, folio 189, Box #1. Received 6 francs, 75 centimes, plus 10% and centimes . . .
-[p20] Magistrate of the First Canton District of Amsterdam Department of ZuyderZee. 30 Nov 1812 In the presence of us Charles Asser, Doctor of Law, Magistrate of the First Canton, District of Amsterdam, Department of ZuyderZee, with the assistance of our Clerk of the Court, at the request of Annaatje Salomon Merkloper [sic] daughter of Salomon Levie Markloper [p21] and of Rebecca Isaac, dwelling at Verwer Street in this city, appeared the seven following knowledgeable witnesses: 1. Salomon Levie Markloper, peddler, dwelling at Verwer Street, 2. Rebecca Isaac, wife of the first witness, 3. Moses Davids [sic] Bronkhorst, no occupation, dwelling at Verwer Street, 4. Sara Levie, wife of the third witness, 5. Salomon Cohen van Tijn, butcher, [p22] dwelling at Kirte Bont Street, 6. Moses Moses Francker, laborer, dwelling at #29 Ferker [Verwer?] Street, 7. Daniel Salomon Emricks, porter of goods, dwelling at Verwer Street. Who at the aforesaid request have declared that they know that the applicant [Annaatje] was born in 1785, that she has attained the age of 27 years, but that she could not obtain documentation of her [p23] birth, considering the registers of the Jewish community of Amsterdam where she was born did not keep record of female births. The first and third witnesses are the father and mother of the applicant, and the others are all friends of the applicant; [Note: the third witness and fourth were about to become her parents-in-law] they have known her for a long time, and have seen her frequently in both her house and her family's; they declare further they are confident and capable of making the declaration [p24] contented in the certificate with full knowledge of the facts. They have in consequence in accordance with Art 70 and 71 of the Napoleonic Code avowed the certificate of knowledge which will serve as the applicant's documentation of birth for the occasion of her impending marriage to Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, formerly called Hartog Moses Boucher [the Butcher], dwelling at Verwer Street [p25] in this city. And we, the 5th and 6th witnesses, have signed the certificate of knowledge with us and our Clerk of the Court. Those named above, the other witnesses, declared that they did not know how to write or sign their names. [Signed] Salomon Cohen van Tijn, Moses Moses Francker, Charles Asser, Magistrate, T. Boas, Clerk of the Court.
-[p26] Magistrate of the First Canton, District of Amsterdam, Department of ZuyderZee. In the year 1812 on the 30th of November in the presence of us, Dr Charles Asser, the honorable Magistrate of the First Canton District of Amsterdam Dept of ZuyderZee with the help of our Clerk of the Court have appeared Salomon Levie Markloper, peddler, and his wife, Rebecca Isaacs, dwelling at Verwers Street in this city; they state in our presence that they give their consent to the marriage to be concluded between their daughter, Annaatje Salomon Markloper, living in their home, with Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, who was assigned the name beforehand Hartog Moses Boucher [Hartog Moses the Butcher], dwelling at Verwers Street in this city. [p28] This authorizes the civil officials to agree to the said marriage and passed all the acts required by the law. We, the aforementioned Magistrate, formally acknowledge the statement of those who appeared and reported that we signed with our Clerk of the Court, and those present declared that they did not know how to write or sign their name. Signed Charles Asser [p29] Magistrate. T. Boas, Junior Clerk of the Court. Registered at Amsterdam the 3 December 1812 vol 1 folio 134 Case #7, Received one Franc plus 10 centimes for the 10% fee, and 16 centimes for the additional centimes needed. Signed James Cohen for dispatch T. Boas, Junior Clerk of the Court. [end of the French]
[p30] [in Dutch] Hartog Moses Bronkhorst born here age 25 years ?? the City on Verwer Street #43 ?? Butcher . . . 30 Dec 1787 Father Moses David Bronkhorst Mother Rebecca Isaacs consent [p31] residing . . . Annaatje Salomon Merkloper, born here aged 27 years [p32] ?? the City on the . . . in the year 1785 father Salomon Levie Markloper Mother Rebecca Isaacs consent residing on Verwer Street ? He . . .
1814 - He was a witness on the death certificate on 5 May 1814 of cousin Emanuel David Bronkhorst. His son, Moses Hartog, was born on 7 Sep in Amsterdam.
1816 - His son, Salomon Hartog, was born on 13 Mar in Amsterdam.
1817 - His son, Salomon, died on 27 May in Amsterdam.
1818 - He had a stillborn child on 11 Feb. His wife, Annaatje, died on 16 Feb in Amsterdam. He is listed on the death certificate as living at Weesperkerkstraat 31, Kanton 1.
In Nov that same year, he married Rachel Abraham Levy DeVries in Vreeland, Utrecht, Holland. His huwelijksbijlagen [marriage supplement] is recorded on FHL film #122,065 The various documents of the huwelijksbijlagen are:
1.Proclamation of marriage (Amsterdam)
2.Extract of the circumcision register for Hartog Moses (Amsterdam)
3.Extract of the death register for A.S.Gans (Amsterdam)
4.Extract of the death register for
A.Y.de Vries (Vreeland)
5.Declaration of the Militia
6.Extract of the certificate of "naamsbekendheid"
7.Declaration of intent of marriage (Vreeland)
8.1st Proclamation of marriage-intent (Vreeland)
9.2nd Proclamation of marriage-intent (Vreeland)
The documents are translated from the Dutch as follows.
-#1 Marriage proclamation of Amsterdam, Province Holland, Northern part, Amsterdam. I, undersigned member of the comittee of the registration of people of the city of Amsterdam, hereby declare that the marriage proclamations of Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, born and living here, butcher, age 32 years, widower of Annaatje Salomon Gans, son of Moses David Bronkhorst without occupation, and Sara Levy also living here, and Rachel Abraham Levy de Vries, born and living in Vreeland, no occupation, age 26 years daughter of Abraham Isaac de Vries, deceased and Hijntje Eliaser, butcheress, living in Vreeland, have been declared here properly, on Sunday the first and eighth of this month, without there having been any complaints against it. Amsterdam, 11th November 1818.
-#2 Extract of circumcision reg. Province Holland, Northern part, Amsterdam. From the circumcision register of ... E.Isaac extracted that Hartog Moses was circumcised on the 30th of December 1787. Signed by member of the personal registry and president of the court of justice on the 4th of September 1818.
-#3 Extract of the death register. Province Holland, Northern part, Amsterdam. From the death register of the personal registry extracted that Annaatje Salomon Gans, married to Hartog Moses Bronkhorst died on the 16th of February in the year 1818. Signed by a member of the personal registry and the president of the court of justice, Amsterdam 19 October 1818.
-#4 Extract of the register of the deceased in custody with the Secretary of Vreeland that on the 29th day of the month of February 186? [page is too dark to read] in the morning at 8 o'clock passed away at Vreeland no.56 Abraham Isak de Vries. Vreeland the 31st of October 1818.
-#5 Militia. We, the state council, governor of North Holland, certify that the person of Hartog Mozes Bronkhorst with regards to the Land-Militia of the year 1814, by arrest of the decision of His Royal Highness of the 20th December 1813, No.3 in the 1st Kanton of Amsterdam during the lottery got number 57a and by decision of the Militia-council has been released of his duty of that year by virtue of his being married. Haarlem 23 October 1818.
-#6 Akte van Naamsbekendheid. [The certificate of naamsbekendheid is a document which was necessary for Rachel, as she could not show a birth certificate. This was due to the fact that she was Jewish, and no records were kept of birth of girls by the Jewish community prior to 1811. A document was then made up where 7 witnesses declared to know her.] Extract of the minutes, deposited at the secretary of the court of justice of the first order, residing at Amsterdam. Today,the first of September of the year 1818, in the afternoon at 4 o'clock, appeared before us Jan van Veere, justice of the peace of the Canton Loenen, Quarter Amsterdam, Province North Holland, assisted by our Secretary, ourselves being in Living quarters no.96 at Loenen. Miss Rachel Abraham Levy de Vries, future bride, without occupation, born at Vreeland in this Canton, and according to her, age 26 years, accompanied by her mother Heintje Eleazar de Vries, widow of Abraham Levy de Vries, butcher at Vreeland letting us know to have the intention to formally marry Hartog Mozes Bronkhorst widower of Annaatje Salomon Merkloper, butcher at Amsterdam. And she, being unable to show a certificate of birth, as being of the Jewish Nation, with which at that time with respect to women, no special records of births were kept, requests us w.r.t. art. 70 of the still existing Civil Code of Law, to produce a record of "bekendheid" at the testification of seven witnesses, for this purpose requested by her. Mrs. Heintje Eleazar de Vries, being 54 years of age, widow of Abraham Levy deVries, butcheress at Vreeland, her mother, who, after having declared to speak the truth and nothing but the truth, declares to know that her daughter Rachel Abraham Levy de Vries, was born the 15th of January 1792. Wouter Helmsing, age 41 years, taylor, living in Vreeland, who, after having declared to speak the truth and nothing but the truth, declares to know Rachel Abraham Levy de Vries, daughter of
A.L.de Vries and H.E. de Vries, and that according to the testimony of her previously named mother, would be pleased to affirm that testimony that she was born on the 15th of January of said year. Cornelis de Boer, age 56 years, breadbaker living in Vreeland etc. (same as above). Herman Michel, age 40 years, merchant, living in Vreeland, etc. (same as above). Peter Borra, age 46 years, village constable, in Vreeland, etc. (same as above). Leendert van in't Heuvel, age 65 years, laborer, living in Vreeland, etc. (same as above). Klaas Bakker, age 42 years, bridge-keeper, living in Vreeland, etc. (same as above). Of which we have prepared this official report, being a record of notoriety, [followed by a lot of officialese, just a repeat of the previous but being made official. Followed by the signatures of the witnesses, and judges.]
-#7 Appeared before the sherrif of Vreeland, province of Utrecht, Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, widower of Annaatje Salomon Gans, age ?thirty years, born and living in Amsterdam, occupation butcher, son of Moses David Bronkhorst, without occupation and of Sara Levy, both living in Amsterdam, and Rachel Abraham Levij de Vries, without occupation, born and living in Vreeland, age 26 years, daughter of Abram Ysak de Vries, deceased and of Hijntje Eliasar, occupation butcheress in Vreeland. Who requested us to be registered as having the intent to marry, and that the marriage proclamations may be posted on Sundays the 1st and 8th of the month of November of the year 1818, in Amsterdam and Vreeland, and that after the proof of termination of the proclamation, to affirm the marriage. Vreeland, the 31st of October 1818. Signed by H.M.Bronkhorst and R.A.Levie de Vries. The sherrif of Vreeland, Province Utrecht, agrees to the above intent of Hartog Moses Bronkhorst and Rachel Abraham Levij de Vries. Signed Vreeland, the 31st of October, by the sherrif.
-#8 In the year 1818, the first day of the month November at 11 o'clock a.m., being a Sunday, we, the captain of police, have announced and proclaimed that a marriage promise exists between Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, widower of Annaatje Salomon Gans, age circa 42 years, born and living in Amsterdam, occupation butcher, son of David Moses Bronkhorst, occupation none, and Sara Levij, both living in Amsterdam, and Rachel Abraham Levij de Vries, without occupation, born and living in Vreeland, age 26 years, daughter of Abram Ysak de Vries, deceased and Hijntje Eliasar, occupation butcheress living in Vreeland, which proclamation has been hung on the door of the mayors house with consent of both.
-#9 In the year 1818, the eighth day of the month November, at 11 o'clock a.m. etc. as above.
1819 - His son, Abraham Hartog, was born in Jul in Amsterdam.
1821 - His son, Levi Hartog Bronkhorst, was born on 27 Feb. He is listed on the birth certificate as Hartog Mozes Bronkhorst, cattle merchant, living at Kerkstraat #16, Kanton 1, where the child was born. Son Levi eventually moved to England, and finally to Boston, MA, USA.
1822 - His son, Eleazer Hartog, was born in Aug in Amsterdam.
1825 - His son, Isaac Hartog, was born in Feb in Amsterdam.
1827 - His son, Joseph Hartog, was born in Jul in Amsterdam. Joseph eventually moved to London, where he was living in 1881 and 1891.
1830 -His son, Salomon Hartog, the second of that name, was born in Jan in Amsterdam.
1831 -His daughter, Heintje Hartog, was born on 11 Jan in Amsterdam. She died two days later.
1832 - His son, Simon Hartog, was born in Mar in Amsterdam.
1833 - His son, Salomon, died on 19 Jun in Amsterdam.
1834 - His son, Simon, died on 21 Sep in Amsterdam. His son, Jacob, was born in Amsterdam on 18 Nov.
1836 - His 'daughter' [was she his step-daughter or adopted daughter?] Antje Bronkhorst married Levie Benjamin Polak in Amsterdam on 2 Mar 1836.
The marriage is recorded in book 1 page 68. Hartog is listed as the father of the bride, age 46, a butcher who was living with his wife in Amsterdam at the time. He was one of the witnesses of the marriage.
1841 - His second wife, Rachel Abraham Levy De Vries, died on 23 Apr at home at Zwanenburgerstraat no.35, Amsterdam.
His son, Moses, married Lea Hyman Grewel on 29 Dec in Antwerp, Belgium. Hartog is listed on the marriage certificate as Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, meat seller, living in Amsterdam.
1851 - His son, Abraham Hartog, died in Amsterdam on 19 May.
1851 Bevolkings Register P-1-29, at Zwanenburgwal? #79, Amsterdam:
line 6: Bronkhorst, Martog Mozes, born 31 Dec 1787 Amsterdam, widow, ashkenazi jew, meat seller, moved there in 1852 from neighborhood P2, domicile,
7: Bronkhorst, Hartog hartog, born 20 Oct 1825 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved same,
8: Bronkhorst, Joseph Hartog, born 14 Sep 1827 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved same,
9: Bronkhorst, Jacob Hartog, born 17 Nov 1831 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved same,
10&11 people called Duisseldorp who moved the same
12: Bronkhorst, Antje, born 2 Jan 1814 Vreeland, married, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved the same
13: Polak, Levie Benjamin, born 20 Nov 1808 Amsterdam, married, ashkenazi jew, merchant, moved the same.
1851 Bevolkings Register P-2-602, at Zwanenburgerstraat #35, Amsterdam, later became #262:
1: Bronkhorst, Martog Mozes, born 31 Dec 1787 Amsterdam, widow, ashkenazi jew, meat seller, moved to neighborhood P ? 1,
2: Bronkhorst, Abraham Hartog, born 30 Jul 1819 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, died 19 May 1851
3: Bronkhorst, Hartog Hartog, born 28 Oct 1825 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved same,
4: Bronkhorst, Joseph Hartog, born 14 Sep 1827 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved same,
5: Bronkhorst, Jacob Hartog, born 17 Nov 1831 Amsterdam, single, ashkenazi jew, no occupation, moved same
1857 - He died on 21 Apr in Amsterdam. His death certificate is recorded on FHL #253,805, Deaths, Amsterdam, 21 Apr 1857, v2, p183verso. It is translated from Dutch as: Today, the 21st of April, 1857, appeared before us, the registrar of the Civil Registry of the city of Amsterdam: Meyer van Praag, occupation [diamond?] cutter, age 40 years, living Houtstraat 318, ? of the deceased, and Levie Benjamin Polak, occupation merchant, age 49 years, living ?, son in-law of the deceased, who have declared, that today, at 8 o'clock in the morning, in the house standing at Zwanenburgwal, Kanton 1, neighbourhood P, nr. 177, has passed away Hartog Moses Bronkhorst, occupation meat merchant, living as above, age 69 years, born here. Widower last of Rachel Abraham Levy de Vries and further of Annaatje Salomon Gans. etc. Signed by Meyer van Praag and L. B. Polak.
1879 - His son, Levi, died on 1 Mar and was buried in the Netherlands Cemetery, Melrose, MA, USA. On Levi's tombstone it states in Hebrew: "Here lies Avraham Yehuda [Levi's Jewish name] son of Naphtali [Hartog's Jewish name] . . . "