NameArsinoe Of Macedonia Queen Of Egypt, 73G Grandmother
Web Notes notes for Arsinoe Of Macedonia Queen Of Egypt
Queen of Egypt, daughter of Lysimachus, king of Thrace, and first wife of Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Although she bore Ptolemy three children, including his successor, she was unable to prevent him from repudiating her and marrying his sister, Arsinoe II. Arsinoe I was married to Ptolemy about 282 as part of the alliance between Thrace and Egypt against Seleucus I Nicator of Syria. Three years later, Philadelphus' ambitious sister arrived in Egypt, and, probably at her instigation, charges of conspiring to assassinate Ptolemy were soon brought against Arsinoe. She was banished to Coptos, a city of Upper Egypt near the Wadi Hammamat, while her rival married Ptolemy and adopted her children. Arsinoe survived at Coptos, where a stela referring to her has been found; on it she is called king's wife, but her name is not enclosed in the royal cartouche (an oval figure on monuments enclosing a sovereign's name), as is customary for a queen.