NameEdward 'the Elder' King Of England, 30G Grandfather
Web Notes notes for Edward 'the Elder' King Of England
From "Debrett's Kings and Queens of Britain" by David Williamson, ISBN 0-86350-101-X, p. 24:
King Alfred the Great was succeeded by his elder surviving son Edward, whose succession was at once contested by his cousin Ethelwold, a son of King Ethelred I, who seized Wimborne. Edward pursued him, but he escaped to the north and induced the Danelaw to receive him as king. He made harrying raids into Mercia until he was defeated and killed in 909.
Edward was crowned on 8 Jun 900 at Kingston-on-Thames, where the ancient coronation stone of the Saxon kings (which gave the town its name) may still be seen. In the course of his reign he annexed the Danelaw south of the Humber and was acknowledged as overlord by the Danish King of York, the King of Scots, the King of the Strathclyde Britons and others.
He was married three times and had a large family. His 1st wife, Ecgwynn (Egwina) is sometimes described as a concubine 'of humble origin', but there is no real reason to suppose this, even though her antecedents have not been recorded. At any rate, her son Athelstan was always regarded as Edward's heir and as a child was a great favorite of his grandfather, King Alfred.
Edward's 2d wife was Elfleda, daughter of Ealdorman Ethelhelm. By her he had two sons, the elder of whom died very soon after his father, the younger being drowned in the English Channel in 933. There were also six daughters.
Edward's 3d and last wife was Eadgifu, daughter of Ealdorman Sigehelm of Kent, who bore him two sons, successively kings, and two daughters. Edward's many daughters either made grand marriages with Continental royalty or became nuns.
He died at Farndon-on-Dee in Mercia on 17 Jul 925, and was buried at Winchester. His widow, Queen Eadgifu, lived on for many years and died in the reign of her grandson King Edgar on 25 Aug 968.