Kevin Patrick Mostyn Family - Person Sheet
Kevin Patrick Mostyn Family - Person Sheet
NameBressal Bélach MacFiachu 3d King Of Leinster, 45G Grandfather
Web Notes notes for Bressal Bélach MacFiachu 3d King Of Leinster (Stewart Baldwin) posted to on 26 Nov 1998
Subject: "ancestor of the sept of Ui Dunlainge, which monopolized the kingship of Laigin (Leinster) from the seventh through the early eleventh centuries. [Note: As the ancestor from whom the Ui Dunlainge got their name, his existence can be regarded as reasonably certain, and he probably lived in the mid-fifth century. The official genealogies call him the son of Ennae Niad, son of Bressal Belach, son of Fiachu Ba hAiccid, son of Cathair Mor, at which point we are clearly in the mythical part of the genealogy. Although the existence of Ennae and Bressal as father and grandfather of Dunlainge cannot be ruled out, neither can it be accepted as probable. The official genealogy, which makes Dunlaing a first cousin of Ennae Cennselach, ancestor of the Ui Chennselaig (the other main powerful sect in Leinster during the historical period), thus causing the two main Leinster septs to branch off from each other just prior to the historical period, looks suspicious,
and is just as likely to be the invention of the later pseudohistorians as genuine tradition. [R.117d=BB.138a (Rw.18, CGH.14); R.124b=LL.315c=Lec.91Ra=BB.132a (Rw.335, CGH.74); LL.337f (CGH.423)] " (Stewart Baldwin) posted to on 26 Nov 1998
Subject: Llywelyn AT: "Although the existence of Ennae and Bressal as father and grandfather of Dunlainge cannot be ruled out, neither can it be accepted as probable."
Last Modified 18 Jun 2021Created 25 Jun 2021 using Reunion for Macintosh